22 October 2005

Hmmm, maybe being in pictures isn't so bad ...

This picture was taken today by my husband in our great room. We absolutely love the stone fireplace! Now that the highs aren't getting above 50 or so degrees, we just wish the room were insulated. I'm wearing a sweater from last year (so it's big) and jeans I bought a little over a month ago. I'm still not where I want to be, but I'm thrilled with how I now look. Maybe I won't hide from the camera so much this Christmas.


Holly said...

looking good girl!

and toss the too-big sweater!

I try to make sure I only wear stuff that actually fits now. Damn it feels good!

Jenn said...

Thanks very much, Holly!!

If only I could toss the sweater! I only had a handful to begin with, and now that it's not getting out of the 40s, sweaters are a plus! I try to pick up a few things in my new size every couple of weeks, but it's getting _very_ expensive ... as I'm sure you've discovered. Truly fabulous feeling, though!